Published on Apr 20, 2023

Introducing Rentle agency partner program

In today's fast-paced business world, collaboration is essential for growth and success. That's why we are excited to introduce Rentle agency partner program, designed to bring even more value to our customers and our agency partners. In this blog post, we'll first discuss agency partner programs in general and then dive into the specifics of Rentle's agency partner program.


Agency partner programs in a nutshell

Agency partner programs are collaborative arrangements between a software or service provider and various agencies or consultants. These programs help to extend the reach of the provider's platform by leveraging the expertise and client base of the agency partners. In return, the partners receive a share of the revenue generated from the clients they bring to the platform.

These partnerships are mutually beneficial for both the provider and the agency partners. The provider gains access to a wider audience, while the agency partners can offer their clients a more comprehensive suite of services. In many cases, agency partner programs also offer additional resources such as training, support, and marketing materials to help agencies succeed with the provider's platform.

Rentle agency partner program in a nutshell

Rentle's agency program is designed to provide our agency partners with a highly attractive compensation package, along with the tools and resources needed to excel in the rental, subscription, leasing or activity and tour booking market. Now matter if the end customer is new to circular business models or for example adding another revenue stream to existing linear e-commerce business, Rentle agency partner program helps you from start to finish.


Here's what you can expect from the Rentle agency program:

1. 20% lifetime commission: For each paying customer that an agency partner refers to Rentle, the partner will receive a 20% lifetime commission. This means that as long as the customer stays with Rentle, the agency partner will continue to earn commissions.

2. Get referrals as a Rentle Expert: Agency partners have the opportunity to be featured as a "Rentle Expert" on the "Find a Rentle Expert" page. This allows Rentle's current customers to easily find agencies that specialize in helping businesses with their Rentle stores, leading to more opportunities for agency partners.

rentle experts

Screenshot of Rentle Experts -page

3. Rentle doesn't take any commission on referrals: Rentle does not take any commissions from the referrals made to agency partners. Instead, we direct any queries straight to the agency's website, ensuring that partners receive the full benefit of their expertise and services.

4. Training, dedicated partner manager, premium support and resources: To help our agency partners succeed with Rentle, we provide them with comprehensive training, a dedicated partner manager, direct line to our premium support, and a wealth of marketing and educational materials.

By joining the Rentle Agency Program, you'll gain access to a lucrative revenue-sharing model, increased visibility within the Rentle community, and the support needed to help your clients make the most of Rentle's circular commerce platform. We're excited to see the value this program brings to our partners and customers alike!

Article written by Karri

Karri is the partnerships lead @Rentle

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