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Product update: Online store embedding and more

2 min read

We’re super excited to be showcasing the new functionalities and updates our product development has recently deployed. These are some major changes that improve the admin site's usability and the overall customer experience of shopping on your site.

Added embedding support for Twice online shop

You can now embed your Teice online store on your website. This removes the additional step of directing a customer to make the booking on a separate website hosted by Twice. For consumers, being able to make bookings under one website domain adds clarity and, in general, makes the online shopping experience more coherent with your brand.

Adding the online shop widget to your website is easy but requires basic level HTML understanding. Visit our help center for more detailed instructions. 

Shopping cart pop-up

We have added a Shopping cart icon to the online shop if customers are browsing your website and rental equipment on a desktop. With the added pop-up cart window, your visitors can book equipment and browse for more products without leaving the product listing page. This improvement makes the shopping experience more streamlined and navigating between the equipment listing and shopping cart more clear. On mobile, the online shop interface has not experienced any changes.

shopping cart pop-up

New products setting page

The product settings page also experienced a facelift. Our goal was to make the page clearer and structure the different settings better.

We have, for example, split the basic information of a product and its’ settings to have their own views. With the small updates to the user interface and by adding explaining descriptions, the meanings of each setting are easier to understand, and product settings are now smoother to manage with the help of category separation. The new, streamlined layout also includes other new features related to product settings. More about these later in the post. 

Artboard 4-1Custom start time intervals

The added custom start time intervals offer more flexibility for both the customer and the shop. While previously the start time options were hourly, now you can add flexible starting time intervals with, for example, 15-minute intervals.

You can also set order limits for each starting time of an individual product, which helps to avoid the shop getting too crowded by the customers who come pick up their gear all at the same time. This setting can be found on the new product settings page.

Tip: limit the number of orders per start time based on the number of customers you are able to serve in the selected start time interval. This helps you manage traffic and avoid excessive crowds in the shop at the same time.

How to set start time intervals →


Other additions and improvements

  • Small UI updates: we moved the shop logo to the center of the header & moved the shop name from the header to the footer. These changes enhance the mobile experience while booking online. 

  • Added Czech language support and updated Spanish translations in consumer channels.


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    Article written by Twice Commerce

    Twice Commerce is the commerce platform for the circular economy. We are accelerating sustainable consumption of durable goods.