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News & Updates

Product updates and other timely news on what is happening at Twice.

Same Vision, New Features, New Name: Welcome to TWICE Commerce

Nov 13, 2023


Product update: Introducing payment links, pick-up points and more

Sep 28, 2023

Twice Commerce

Product update: New API, Packhelp partnership, and much more

Mar 16, 2023

Twice Commerce

Product update: Introducing subscription rentals

Feb 2, 2023

Twice Commerce

Product update: Introducing Stripe deposits and much more

Nov 17, 2022

Twice Commerce

Product update: More online store customizations and better delivery management

Oct 11, 2022

Twice Commerce

Twice Commerce raises 3.8 million euro seed round to power circular commerce

Sep 19, 2022


Product update: Choose between renting and selling your products

Aug 25, 2022

Twice Commerce

Welcoming Henry Beniard from Wolt as Twice’s new Chief Operating Officer

Jun 21, 2022

Twice Commerce

Product update: online store conversion tracking, customization, and improved discount codes

Jun 1, 2022

Twice Commerce

Product update: Multiple product images, custom payment options, and more

Mar 17, 2022

Twice Commerce